Mon 13 Jan 2025 23:28GMT
Sending money? Save time and money on your currency transfers by securing competitive exchange rates with an FX broker
Moving money abroad online to South Africa? Think about using a currency exchange broker since brokers tend to have more competitive rates. See below for live interbank exchange rates for sending money to South Africa bank accounts:
1 British Pound = 23.241 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from UK | |
1 Indian Rupee = 0.219 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from India | |
1 Australian Dollar = 11.766 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from Australia | |
1 Canadian Dollar = 13.235 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from Canada | |
1 New Zealand Dollar = 10.646 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from New Zealand | |
1 Us Dollar = 19.002 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from USA | |
1 Euro = 19.502 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from France | |
1 Euro = 19.502 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from Germany | |
1 Euro = 19.502 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from Italy | |
1 Euro = 19.502 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from Spain | |
1 Thai Baht = 0.548 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from Thailand | |
1 Turkish Lira = 0.535 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from Turkey | |
1 United Arab Emirates Dirham = 5.173 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from UAE | |
1 Chinese Yuan = 2.592 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from China | |
1 Euro = 19.502 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from Greece | |
1 Euro = 19.502 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from Ireland | |
1 Swiss Franc = 20.745 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from Switzerland | |
1 Swedish Krona = 1.693 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from Sweden | |
1 Russian Rouble = 0.185 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from Russian Federation | |
1 Norwegian Krone = 1.668 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from Norway | |
1 Euro = 19.502 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from Portugal | |
1 Mexican Peso = 0.922 South African Rands | Send Money to South Africa from Mexico |
When it comes to exchange rates and fees currency exchange brokers tend to beat the high street banks every time. This is because currency brokers don't generally charge transaction fees and are also well placed to get the most competitive exchange rate.
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